Physician Practice Management and Malpractice Prevention Specialists

Debra Phairas, President

Practice Assessments

Medical Records, Collection Techniques, Scheduling, Purchasing/Inventory Control, Patient Flow, Recall Systems, Telephone Equipment and Use, Staffing Patterns, Insurance Processing

Practice Valuation & Brokerage Services

Valuation of Practice for Purchase / Sale / Buy-in, Negotiation of Terms, Expert Witness & Litigation Support

New Practice Establishment

They don’t teach you the business skills to run a company in medical school. Our services make business easy, helping providers open, expand, and improve successful practices that they are proud to own.

Financial Analysis

Practice & Liability Consultants can analyze the practice financial information to determine if additional revenue is needed to support practice expenses, if expenses are within norms or can be reduced. We have access to practice benchmark comparison data for all specialties and use this as a guideline to determine how to increase gross revenues or decrease practice expenses that can result in increased net income for the physician.

Practice & Liability Consultants are experienced practice management consultants with 35+ years of medical practice management experience. Since 1985, we have worked with over 2300 practices of all sizes and specialties from solo to multi-specialty groups of over 100 physicians. The majority of clients are solo or small groups of under 10 physicians.

Our goal is to pay for our consultation fee by at least one year after consultation. This has been achieved in the vast majority of client consultations. Additional benefits include: reduction of partner conflicts, increased staff morale, greater productivity of physicians and staff, increased gross and net income, greater patient and referral satisfaction and a more pleasant work environment. Fees are based on either a flat fee or hourly basis and where possible, a minimum and maximum fee is quoted.

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